DIYD owns the website. Every Do It Yourself Documents store and office is an affiliate of DIYD and is permitted to use the trade name "Do It Yourself Documents" provided that good standing with DIYD is maintained.
DIYD is an advertising entity as well as an online, retail, legal book store. DIYD has no employees that practice law, give legal advice, or assist in the preparation of any legal documents (the exception being those forms, books and kits DIYD has created to sell on our online, retail bookstore).
DIYD will create a web page for each affiliate office, listing hours opened, address, phone number and list of services it provides if provided by the affiliate. Phone numbers added to the affiliate's page must have a recording for after hours that they have reached Do It Yourself Documents and answered during business hours using Do It Yourself Documents as the company name. If you are running your Affiliate office from within another paralegal business you will need to have two lines to separate business calls otherwise the only phone number we will list on your page on our website is our toll-freenumber.
DIYD offers document preparation services BY AFFILIATES. Affiliates will prepare documents for customers in their particular state. Affiliates will make available to DIYD a list of services they wish to have advertised. A page for each affiliate will be created for each affiliate offering those services. Affiliates will be responsible for providing a list of questions for each service to be offered. DIYD will then create a questionnaire that will be made available to the general public on the website. Each affiliate in a particular state will be listed on that state's questionnaire. Customers will choose which affiliate office they want to prepare their documents.
Questionnaires will be received through DIYD's secure email program. The customer will have the option on a questionnaire to request a specific Affiliate prepare the documents. If a specific Affiliate is selected then the questionnaire will be immediately forwarded to that Affiliate for document preparation. If no specific Affiliate is selected on the questionnaire then DIYD will send the questionnaire, on a rotating basis, to the Affiliates in the state of the customer.
Anyone that wants to be an Affiliate of DIYD (hereinafter referred to as "Affiliate") must complete and submit to DIYD an Affiliate application. Affiliate will be required to submit with the application sufficient proof that they have an appropriate background for providing the services that will be offered. DIYD has determined that if prospective Affiliate does not have some type of legal background they will not be successful. The following backgrounds will qualify Affiliate:
- Associates Degree in Paralegal or Legal Studies;
- Bachelors Degree in Paralegal or Legal Studies;
- Certificate from a Paralegal or Legal Studies Program (If prospective Affiliate holds a Certificate only, they may be required to provide proof that they have worked in the legal field in order to become an Affiliate);
- Law Degree (whether practicing or not);
- LPO Certificate.
We review all applications earnestly, but we do not accept applicants within a 10-mile radius of another Affiliate; however, if we find an applicant to be within 10 miles of another Affiliate's office, we will contact said Affiliate and let them decide whether or not to accept said applicant. We reserve the sole right to use an INTERNET mapping program of our choice for deciding whether or not an applicant meets our 10-mile limit.