Response to Petition about a Marriage (Legal Separation) - With Child, Paralegal Service
By Do It Yourself Documents,
Independent Paralegal Services
We complete all required documents with this service!
Military discount is available for this service. See: Military Discount
Washington State is a no-fault divorce state and is just as it sounds - neither party is at fault. If you were served with legal papers and disagree with anything your spouse asked for you may file a response. You must file any response to the documents within 20 days (60 days if you were served outside the State of Washington). You should take steps immediately to ensure your rights are protected. If you cannot afford an attorney to represent you, you should try to receive a free consultation for legal advice. Once this is completed and you need help completing the forms we are here to help.
In order for us to complete this service, fax or email us a copy of legal papers you were served as well as a list of all the sections of the documents (petition, parenting plan, child support, etc.) that you disagree with and any additional requests you may have in regards to your specific legal matter. We will complete all your forms within 2 business hours.
** If required for your case.
Names of forms may differ for each state
Additional charges if Respondent will not sign:
Some of our services require additional application, court and/or filing fees. These fees are not included.